namek planet


Planet Namek merupakan sebuah tempat yang paling ikonik dari serial Dragon Ball. Di sini, Goku berhasil membangkitkan Super Saiyan pertamanya saat berhadapan dengan Frieza — bisa dibilang Planet Namek ini merupakan awal mula dari perjalanan Son Goku bersama rekan-rekannya. Ada beberapa fakta tentang Planet Namek yang mungkin belum kalian ketahui.

NEWS. 13.07.2023. FEATURED. Could Humans Survive on Planet Namek? We Asked an Expert to Tell Us About the Planet's Ecosystem. Ask the Experts. Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin ventured far out into space to Planet Namek in search of the Dragon Balls.

Planet Namek ( ナメック星, Namekku-sei) is a planet in the North Galaxy . Contents. 1History. 1.1Climate shift. 1.2Invasion by Freeza. 2Known residents. 3Dragon Clan. 4Known inhabitants. 5Trivia. 6References. History. Planet Namek was located in a trinary star system [1] and was located at coordinates 9045XY.

New Namek (新しんナメック星せい, Shin Namekku-sei, lit. "New Planet Namek") is the new home of the Namekian race. It is similar to the original Namek, because of the green water, green sky and blue grass. Following the destruction of the original Namek by Frieza, the revived Namekians were forced to spend...

Its name is derived from the story arc revolving around the homeworld of the creatures on Earth believed to be demons, such as Kami and King Piccolo. It covers the trip and arrival to planet Namek, a fictional planet from the series, of Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan.

Planet Namek mostly experiences a peaceful history, but devastating climate changes overtake the planet in Age 261 and drastically change the makeup of Namek. This extreme shift kills off essentially the entire Namek race except for the Elder Guru and a number of select Super Namekians.

Namek (ナメック星, Namekku-sei) is a planet in a triple star system located at coordinates 9045XY, and had a population of about 100 Namekians at the time of the Frieza Saga in November of Age 762. It is the home planet of Kami, King Piccolo, Piccolo Jr. and Dende, along with other Namekians.

Planet Namek is one of the most iconic locations in the Dragon Ball series. On this planet, Goku managed to awaken his Super Saiyan powers in his duel with Frieza — Planet Namek is arguably the first milestone of Son Goku's journey with his friends. There are some facts about Planet Namek that you probably didn't know. - Namek adalah nama planet fiktif yang ada di manga dan anime Dragon Ball . Planet ini dikenal sebagai tempat di mana salah satu karakter ikonik Piccolo berasal. Untuk lebih mengenal planet ini, simak beberapa informasi yang telah dirangkum tim, jaringan, di bawah ini:

Namek adalah salah satu ras yang paling penting dalam waralaba Dragon Ball. Mereka merupakan ras alien yang memiliki beberapa planet sebagai tempat tinggal. Salah satu tempat tinggal Namekian adalah Planet Namek. Di tempat tersebut, kalian bisa melihat bangsa Namek hidup dengan tenang di sebuah wilayah yang jauh dari Bumi.

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